Wednesday, December 9, 2009

All over but the cryin'

So, as fall term limps to a close, we bid a fond farewell to our summer campers. They've completed their scripts, they can limp back under the rocks from which they scurried.

For the fall group, do NOT lose momentum over break. Write while you drink eggnog and open presents. You don't have time off... your first drafts are due week two of the new term.

Have a great holiday, but post to your blogs about it, because you're still supposed to be doing that.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Final Wrap Meeting

I'd like to get all workshoppers and senior projectors together for a final wrap meeting before the holidays. It'll be Monday, December 7th @ 10:30 AM. I'm trying to schedule the small screening room for a location.

I need to know in advance if you have a genuine conflict.