Sunday, November 18, 2012

Follow the Path

Follow the path laid out in the syllabus, and you will complete a feature/pilot/whatever before the end of Senior Project in the spring.  Stray from the path, your odds drop dramatically.  Ask yourself: how close to the path am I?

Also remember, you're supposed to be blogging.  It's one of the primary ways to communicate your process and thinking.  I've been looking at the blogs and am... underwhelmed.

Finally, this process is partially about learning to write on your own, without the constant reenforcement of a standard class structure.  That being said, you should never feel cut off from assistance.  I'm ready, willing, and able to meet with you individually as much as you feel necessary to assist you in your project.  You have the power to make the request any time.  Just e-mail me.  Otherwise, keep on writing.