Monday, March 22, 2010

End of the Line

For the workshoppers out there who are still reading this blog, I wanted to share a few general impressions with you after reading your final draft scripts.

First, congratulations to everyone. You made it through the class and turned in every draft that was asked of you (more or less on time), which is no mean feat, and a serious step on the road to writing as the professionals do. Beyond that, everyone improved their script over the course of multiple drafts. All of the scripts I read were noticeably better than the first drafts you handed in in January.

Second, good work everyone on maintaining your blogs. It's not always fun, and some days, you feel like there's nothing to write about, but if you go back and look over it for a period of time, your insights may shock you. One thing that surprised me was your own evaluations of your work. Many of you, after completing your final drafts, discussed things you are planning on changing in future drafts. When you get my notes back, you may find in interesting how much we agree on when it comes to future revisions. That may be one of the best lessons you have learned these two terms: how to look at your own work as a professional does, and spot the problems that still need attention.

Finally (for now), this was an excellent batch of scripts, and I enjoyed reading them and working with all of you. For those of you on campus next term, we'll set up individual meetings to discuss your drafts during the second week of classes. As always, feel free to e-mail me with questions or comments.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Workshop FInal Meeting

SCRP 380/381/495/496 sections will meet for a final time on Monday March 8th @ 10 AM in the Seminar Room, #027. I should have all final drafts of scripts by that point.