Sunday, February 21, 2010

Meeting Canceled

Monday's workshop meeting is canceled due to lameness on the part of the instructor. While he feels bad about this, he feels worse about the anvil currently sitting on his chest. Until he's better, you're off the hook for meetings. You are not off the hook for revisions, though. At this point, you should be working on polish drafts -- checking dialog, final tweaks, and PROOFREADING.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February Workshop Meeting

For those of you on the Fall/Winter workshop cycle, we'll be holding our February meeting on Monday the 22nd at 10 AM, in the seminar room #027.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Writing The Short Film Update

Any pitches I received on time, I posted to the web. They can be found by clicking on this link.

Please read through these pitches so we can discuss them first thing during class on Thursday.

If you have not yet sent me your pitch, please do so immediately.

For all of you, please bear in mind that first drafts of your final projects are due next week, Wednesday February 24th.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thursday - No Class!

Due to weather-related issues on my end, I have to cancel SCRP 280 Writing The Short Film for Thursday, February 11th. Do not despair, however. Even though we will not meet as a group, you can still do your pitches for your final project as planned. You can do this in one of two ways, depending on your level of boredom.

1. Write up a summary of your pitch and e-mail it to me. No more than a page.


2. Record your pitch and post it to YouTube where I can watch it. Keep them under 5 minutes, for all our sakes.

Then, I'll post links to everything on the blog site, so everyone can watch or read them. That is your snowbound homework. I want your pitches e-mailed to me no later than noon on Thursday.

Draft 2 Deadline Looms

Workshoppers, please note your 2nd drafts are due to me by week's end. Make some wise use of your snow day.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Weather

If you're in SCRP 280 Writing The Short Film Thursday mornings this term, check this space Wednesday to confirm whether class will be held or not. If class is cancelled, I will provide instructions for submitting your pitches in writing.