Saturday, January 24, 2015

Those January Blues

As I sit with my back to a window, ignoring the view of leaden grey skies and ground covered with the slushy remnants of last night's show, I find it hard to summon the creative energy to actually write.  There are so many other things suited to this kind of day: sleeping, binge-watching netflix, playing video games, baking cookies.  And yet, those pages aren't going to write themselves.  It's why writing is often referred to as a discipline.  That's what it takes, a will to focus when that's absolutely the last thing you want to do.

For students working independently, the challenge is even more pronounced, because you have other deadlines in classes that meet on a regular basis and reinforce the need for consistent effort.  I can say that one of the hardest steps to take in becoming a professional writer is keeping the discipline of writing even when you don't have to.  It won't get any easier when you leave school, when the additional pressures of life, family, day jobs, rent, and who knows what else take on so much more weight.

All of you are working on exciting pieces in various genres.  Keep your eye on that excitement, and sit down to write some pages.

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